On Your Radar podcast: Trauma and crisis close to home

As if a pandemic wasn’t enough, our nation continues to endure one traumatic event after another. These crises have dramatic ripple effects on entire communities—from people who experienced them firsthand to those connected in other ways, like knowing someone who was there, living near where it took place, or reliving a similar experience they had in the past.

Those affected may question why it happened, with no answer in sight, or second-guess their own response to it, with no way to change the past. They may isolate and suffer from deep, complex symptoms, including anxiety, depression, mood swings, and disruptions to sleep patterns. They may feel grief over loss of life, helpless over loss of security or innocence, and violated over something like this happening on their streets or in their schools.

These feelings may be overwhelming in the weeks and months after the event. But if you’re feeling any of those, you’re not alone. There are ways for you to process, take back control, and move forward with life. The experts at Rosecrance recommend open, honest communication about what you’re going through, be it with a friend, someone else who has gone through it, or a counselor. After a traumatic event, it’s completely natural to feel a strong need for connection, and you should listen to that need. (And the need to cry—or laugh.)

It’s also important to be mindful and stay in the moment. Reliving the past can bring pain and thinking about the future can cause anxiety. But there’s power in the present, which is safe and will help get you from point A to point B.

Then, start getting back to simply enjoying life again, even through everyday experiences like grocery shopping, cooking, or watching movies together. Getting back to healthy routines, especially with people you care about, is crucial.

Whether you’ve gone through trauma yourself or care about someone who has, these techniques can help all of us. Grief is not linear, and the road ahead may not be 100% smooth, but we can all find healing, fulfillment, and hope again.

If someone you know has gone through a traumatic event and might be suffering, check out episode 4 of the Rosecrance podcast “On Your Radar,” which covers how traumatic events in our communities impact all of us.

Download “Trauma and Crisis Close to Home” episode 4, HERE.