Tablets ease transition to treatment for adult clients

Clients who enter care at the Rosecrance Harrison Campus Health Center now are connecting with others in treatment and recovery resources while staying safely distanced through the use of tablets on the unit.

The addition introduces clients to Rosecrance programming while they await COVID-19 test results or clearance to leave detox. This also enhances infection controls by giving clients a tool with which they can remain apart in shared spaces.

“The first few days are crucial for success, and we wanted to help them see that the commitment they made was the right choice,” said Adult Substance Abuse Administrator Greg Tierney, Ph.D. “With the pandemic limiting socialization, we found ways to offer opportunities to engage in recovery programming and develop relationships with staff and others on their unit while waiting to move into treatment.”

Clients are encouraged to tune into Rosecrance’s many programming options as able. There are experiential therapy sessions, unit gatherings, alumni connections, and resources about recovery. Social media apps are not included in order to help them focus on the next steps in their journeys.

“They are excited about tablets because they can feel part of their units even before it’s time to join them,” said Unit Coordinator Glenda Burns. “Clients are engaging more than ever, and that will be helpful in the long run.”

These links will make the virtual resources valuable long after the pandemic subsides. By connecting clients with peers, staff and Rosecrance’s alumni network, they will start treatment with a support foundation that will be useful for the lifelong recovery journey.

“They are engaging with people who are actively in recovery, and they can see what recovery looks like down the road,” Tierney said. “It’s an affirmation that they made the right choice to be here because they find role models so early in treatment.”