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State Rep. West honored by IABH

Rep. West has made behavioral health a key focus of his legislative work since taking office in 2019.

Rosecrance was pleased to host an award ceremony Monday for State Rep. Maurice West, who received the Lawrence Goodman Friend of the Field Award from the Illinois Association of Behavioral Health.

Rep. West has made behavioral health a key focus of his legislative work since taking office in 2019. He previously received the IABH Legislative Leadership Award in 2019.

“I’m really excited about this award,” he said. “The work that IABH and Rosecrance are doing is going to be in the spotlight as people understand the value of destigmatizing behavioral health. I feel that revolutionary behavioral health legislation could be right around the corner.”

Rosecrance President and CEO Dave Gomel, Ph.D., applauded Rep. West’s advocacy.

“He has been a go-to legislator anytime there is a concern anywhere in the state,” Gomel said. “He is sincere in his endeavors to promote wellness and destigmatize mental illness.”

The Lawrence Goodman Friend of the Field Award was created in 2004 to honor the work of those outside of behavioral healthcare who support the field and advocate on behalf those providing services as well as those who are in need of services.

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