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Srivastava: 40 years of caring for Rockford’s most vulnerable residents

Dr. Srivastava retired in February after a 40-plus year career,

When community health needs arose in Rockford during the past four decades, Dr. Uma Srivastava was one of the familiar faces working toward solutions. Through private practice and Rosecrance, her caring touch impacted thousands of lives in the city.

Dr. Srivastava retired in February after a 40-plus year career, with the last 30 as a psychiatrist for the former Janet Wattles Center and Rosecrance.

“I’m passionate about helping chronically ill people who don’t have a voice in society,” she said. “I worked hard to meet their needs and enjoyed every minute of it, even if it wasn’t always easy.”

The addition of an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team in the mid-1990s brought a high level of compassionate care to clients with serious mental illness. Dr. Srivastava supported the team with her medical expertise. To help establish relationships, she often accompanied ACT staff on home visits.

Eventually, Dr. Srivastava became a psychiatry provider for Rosecrance’s transitional living and crisis residential facilities.

“I would rather be out with clients,” she said. “Clients developed a history with me, and I enjoyed watching them grow into more responsibility and function on their own with a little support. I feel good that I’ve known some for over 30 years who are doing well in recovery.”

Over the years, she watched the city’s mental health services adapt to meet the needs of residents. The model of institutionalized care ultimately was replaced by a holistic philosophy that included a full continuum of support. Now, numerous programs exist to support clients with housing, employment, food, clothing, and medical care. As a result, many more individuals are able to enjoy higher quality lives and actively participate in the community.

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