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Rosecrance to go purple on International Overdose Awareness Day

Rosecrance champions hope for those who are struggling with substance use

On Aug. 31, all locations in the Rosecrance Health Network will go purple in observance of International Overdose Awareness Day.

To remember those gone too soon from opioid overdose, Rosecrance will be participating in International Overdose Awareness Day to highlight the risks associated with opioid use, and to support those whose lives have changed because of overdose.

Rosecrance encourages communities to turn their homes or businesses purple on Aug. 31 to raise awareness and show support for those who have lost loved ones to overdose.

Overdose is the leading cause of death for people ages 18 to 45 in the United States, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. As a leader in behavioral health and in the treatment of substance use disorder, Rosecrance experts see firsthand the pain that addiction has on an individual and their loved ones. Many who’ve experienced loss because of an overdose continue to live with the stigma associated with having a close family member or friend pass from their disease.

“Every day, lives are forever changed or lost to overdose. Whether it is direct or indirect, we all feel the impact overdose and addiction have on someone close to us,” said Dr. Raymond Garcia, Vice President of Medical Services at Rosecrance. “The road to recovery is one of the hardest journeys a person may travel, but you don’t need to walk that path alone. Know there is hope and you can beat your struggles with substances.”

Rosecrance champions hope for those who are struggling with substance use. If you need help, our team of experts are available to support you on your path of healing. To begin your journey, contact our Access team by calling 888.928.5278.

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