Former NBA Star Chris Herren returns to DuPage County to encourage area youth



Rosecrance is proud to help sponsor a return visit of former NBA professional Chris Herren to DuPage County. Herren will speak at Naperville North High School Feb. 18 and Glenbard North High School Feb. 19. He spoke at Downers Grove North High School last year.

Herren inspires parents and students sharing his journey from NBA Stardom to heroin addiction to recovery. He wrote about his recovery in his book ‘Basketball Junkie’ and ESPN produced a documentary ‘Unguarded,’ based on his basketball career and drug related issues. The events are open to the public.

NNHS Field House
February 18, 7-9 p.m.

990 Kuhn Rd., Carol Stream
February 19, 7 p.m.

Besides Rosecrance, sponsors for the Naperville North event include the Naperville Police Department, the NNHS Huskie Boosters’ Club, Linden Oaks, Alexian Brothers, Cadence, NNHS Home & School, several NNHS student organizations, and private donors.

Rosecrance is co-sponsoring the Glenbard North event with the Cebrin Goodman Center, Cooperative Association for Special Education, Trust Company of Illinois, DuPage Medical Group, and Sodexo.