Bath Salts (Synthetic Cathinones)
Synthetic cathinones are marketed as cheap substitutes for other stimulants such as
methamphetamine and cocaine.
Trends & Statistics
Bath salt use among teens has
been declining with .5% of 8th
graders, .4% of 10th graders, and
.6% of 12th graders reporting
using bath salts in the past year.
(2017 Monitoring the Future Study)
“The synthetic cathinone products
marketed as “bath salts” to evade
detection by authorities should not be
confused with products such as
Epsom salts that are sold to improve
the experience of bathing. The latter
have no psychoactive (drug-like)
– National Institute on Drug Abuse
Trends & Statistics
Bath salt use among teens has
been declining with .5% of 8th
graders, .4% of 10th graders, and
.6% of 12th graders reporting
using bath salts in the past year.
(2017 Monitoring the Future Study)
Class of drug:
Synthetic Stimulant
Active Ingredient:
MDPV (methylenedioxypyrovalerone) and
mephedrone (which are found in a lower dosage
in legitimate bath salts and plant foods)
What it looks like:
White, powdery or crystallized substance
packaged as “bath salts,” “plant food,” “jewelry
cleaner,” or “phone screen cleaner,” and labeled
“not for human consumption.”
How it’s used:
Inhaled, injected, eaten in food and swallowed in
drinks. Bath Salt can be rolled into joints with
marijuana and smoked, too (called Head Trip
Duration of high:
The initial rush peaks within 15 minutes to one
hour and can last for five hours. Many users
re-dose to extend the effects for a few days.
Mimics the high of cocaine, ecstasy and
Physical—Chest pains, headaches, high blood
pressure, increased pulse, muscle twitching,
cravings, insomnia, seizures
Mental—Agitation, delusions, anxiety, paranoia,
hallucinations, violent rages, suicidality
Long-term—Breakdown of skeletal muscle
tissue, and kidney failure. Intoxication from
synthetic cathinones has resulted in death
Withdrawal symptoms:
Fatigue, depression, anxiety, psychotic behaviors
Detection in the body:
Yes, through quantitative testing for MDPV,
Mephedrone and Methylone, but it is not
detected in routine drug tests
Sources: www.doctoroz.com/vido/alternate-names-bath-salt-drug; www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/bath-saltsdrug-dangers; US Department of Justice; Quick Fact Alert: Bath Salts, Chestnut Health Systems; www.sober.com/bath-salts.html