Chris Herren speaks to 1,800 high schoolers in Champaign

Rosecrance held an assembly November 10 at Centennial High School in Champaign, IL, where Chris Herren, former NBA player in recovery, spoke about addiction and recovery to nearly 1,800 high school students.

Herren related to students by explaining how he had once been in their shoes. “I remember being in a high school assembly, sitting where you’re sitting,” said Herren. “I would do anything to go back and listen.”

“When you look in the mirror are you proud of who you’re becoming?” Herren asked of students. “Picture that little kid who looks up to you- your brother, sister or cousin. If what you’re doing isn’t good enough for them then it shouldn’t be good enough for you.”

Herren started speaking to youth with the hope that he could change even just one life. After his moving speech at Centennial, it was clear that he has affected countless lives.erren asked of students. “Picture that little kid who looks up to you- your brother, sister or cousin. If what you’re doing isn’t good enough for them then it shouldn’t be good enough for you.”