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What will my teenager do all day in treatment?

What to know about residential treatment for teens at Rosecrance.

If a teenager does need inpatient treatment, moms and dads often say “What is my kid going to be doing all day long?”

One of the first things we say to them is that their teen is going to be experiencing some positive peer pressure. In other words, when these kids come into treatment, they generally don’t believe they have a problem. Their peers, who first got them involved into drugs in the first place, are going to help them turn around.

Treatment begins the moment someone walks in the door. While they’re with us, they’re in an inpatient group therapy, which is a powerful, intense experience for teenagers because they’re receiving feedback from their peers. To have their parents, teachers, social workers or a therapist say “you have a problem” is very different than having one of their peers say “you’re in denial.” Teens hear that feedback in a different way.

They are also assigned to an individual therapist. They learn how to have fun while sober through our recreational therapy program, in order to plant the seeds of recovery. Here at Rosecrance our teens are outside a lot, especially during the spring, summer and fall months. We have outdoor activities such as softball, picnics, etc.

Learning 12-step program language is also a key component in their recovery. Attending self-help groups and learning what they need to do to stay sober is important.

All of our programs are supervised by licensed staff. Our medical directors are not only licensed psychiatrists but they are also addictionologists. The managers of our units are also licensed clinical staff.

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