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What is evidence-based addiction treatment?

Evidence-based addiction treatment programs are rooted in practices that have previously resulted in successful outcomes.

It’s true there’s no cure for addiction. Recovering from addiction isn’t like being cured of a disease. Substance use disorder is a considered a life-long disease that requires a treatment and recovery plan that is used throughout the rest of one’s life. The good news is, long-term recovery is possible with the right guidance and care. 

Evidence-based addiction treatment programs are rooted in practices that have previously resulted in successful outcomes. For example, 12-Step programs are often incorporated in alcohol and substance use treatment because they are deemed successful based on the evidence of people who have succeeded in the goal of long-term recovery after following the program. Treatment programs that follow these evidence-based practices result in predictable outcomes and, ultimately, lasting recovery.  

How do you measure success in recovery?

No two pathways are the same, so measuring a person’s success means looking at many factors, such as changes in substance use, restoration of family connections, progress in work and/or school and improvement in social skills. 

In addition to these measures of success, for the past decade Rosecrance has worked with Northern Illinois University to conduct independent studies to gather information directly from our clients. The studies measure substance use, as well as track client’s behavior against legal, personal and social benchmarks. Rosecrance has also documented an improved level of recovery when clients carefully follow the individualized roadmap we recommend.

If you or a loved one are showing signs of substance use disorders and/or would like more information on evidence-based addiction treatment, take the first step toward recovery and call Rosecrance at 888.928.5278.

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