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What can be done for people struggling with their mental health?

Educational Resources

Mental health disorders are very real, and they’re more common than many of us realize. In fact, about 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience the symptoms of poor mental health each year. Thankfully, there is hope, and help is available.

Mental health disorders are treatable, if you know where to turn. If you or a loved one are seeking help for a mental illness, call the skilled, caring team at Rosecrance at 888.928.5278.

How you can help a loved one experiencing mental illness

A very common sign associated with mental illness is the tendency to withdraw from friends and family members. If a loved one living with mental illness experiences prolonged symptoms, though, they need your support.

So what can you do to stay involved and help someone with a mental health disorder get back to the life they deserve?

  • Let them know they are not alone
    It is important your loved one understands that you will remain by their side to listen and care throughout this experience.
  • Educate yourself and get involved
    Educating yourself about your loved one’s mental illness is truly the foundation of support. At Rosecrance, we encourage family to be involved with each step of the treatment process because it will help them experience a reduction in symptoms as well as hospitalization days and chance of relapse.
  • Understand your loved one’s illness
    Oftentimes, we find that loved ones have to adjust their expectations as they learn more about mental illness and the stages of recovery. Your loved one will feel more supported when you show patience and understanding, even during setbacks or periods of relapse.

Professional treatment for mental health disorders

It’s important to offer emotional support to loved ones experiencing mental illness, but this is only part of the larger scope of treatment. Professional mental health assessment and treatment gives your loved ones the best opportunity at lifelong recovery. And this can take place in one of several forms.

  • Residential mental health treatment
    Teens and young adults especially may see their best opportunity for lifelong recovery in a residential mental health treatment program. At Rosecrance, residential mental health treatment includes ongoing group, individual, and family therapies. Teens and young adults learn the skills they need to gain self-acceptance and live the lives they deserve.
  • Outpatient mental health treatment
    Outpatient mental health treatment allows you or your loved one to receive short-term. evidence-based treatment and therapies while continuing daily routines.
  • 12-step facilitation
    The recovery process is ongoing, and 12-step treatment gives those with mental health disorders a supportive environment to continue sharing experiences. For mental health illness, the 12-step program is called Emotions Anonymous (EA).

The first step to a meaningful life in recovery begins at Rosecrance

For compassionate mental health treatment, call Rosecrance at 866.928.5278. We are here to provide the lasting hope and recovery you need.

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