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Trending: Social events for sobriety

There are positive societal trends and fresh new perspectives to help you or your loved one navigate a path to staying sober. 

Social events are often synonymous with drinking, and for those in recovery, the easiest reaction is to avoid social settings where alcohol is served altogether.

The bad news/good news is, while you can’t (or don’t necessarily want to) completely avoid social gatherings where alcohol is served, there are positive societal trends and fresh new perspectives to help you or your loved one navigate a path to staying sober.  

Stop caring about what others think

Always easier said than done, but the moment you stop worrying about who is judging you, could be the moment you “get out of your head” and free yourself from a self-sabotaging cycle of behaviors. Serve yourself a non-alcoholic drink and re-discover what it’s like to have a “natural high” from socializing and to wake up feeling clear-headed the next morning. 

Sobriety is trending

Alternative beverages (aka “mocktails”), social groups like Meetup and sober venues are popping up as millennials are embracing a sober lifestyle and seeking a deeper connection in the hyperconnected yet disconnected society they’ve grown up in. Popular celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and Bradley Cooper have come out to proudly announce their choice to abstain for various reasons—from beauty and well-being to sobriety struggles. 

Learning new coping skills and avoiding people or the social circles where drinking takes center stage may not be enough for you or your loved one dealing with alcohol addiction or other substance use disorder. Fortunately, Rosecrance is dedicated to recovery by providing evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders and a variety of behavioral health programs and services. 

For more information about alcohol or alcohol dependency, abuse and addiction, take the first step toward recovery and call Rosecrance at 866.928.5278.

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