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If your teen using cannabis?

Navigating the teenage years can be tricky for both parents and kids. If you’re concerned that your teen might be using marijuana, it’s essential to stay vigilant and open to conversations.

As marijuana (cannabis) becomes legalized for both recreational and medicinal purposes across many states, its use is on the rise. This growing acceptance can create a false sense of safety around its consumption.

Here’s the important truth: there is no safe level of marijuana use for children and teens. It’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved and prioritize their health and well-being.

Why teens should think twice about cannabis use

Many teens, and even some parents, believe that using cannabis is a safe rite of passage. However, the truth is that any level of cannabis use can pose serious risks, especially for young, developing brains.

Here’s why it’s essential to consider the potential dangers:

  • Cognitive growth at stake. Did you know that the teenage brain isn’t fully developed until the mid-20s? During this critical time, using marijuana can lead to significant cognitive harm and affect their ability to think clearly, solve problems, and even remember important things.
  • Mental health matters. Teens who use cannabis recreationally are two to four times more likely to face mental health challenges, including depression and suicidal thoughts.
  • Addiction is real. Cannabis is not just a harmless plant; it can be addictive. Young people who experiment with marijuana are at a higher risk of developing cannabis use disorder, which can turn recreational use into a serious issue.

Before making a choice, consider the long-term effects of cannabis use on your brain, mental health, and future.

Signs of cannabis use in teens

Navigating the teenage years can be tricky for both parents and kids. If you’re concerned that your teen might be using marijuana, it’s essential to stay vigilant and open to conversations.

While the signs can sometimes be subtle, here are some key indicators you might notice:

  • Red eyes. Bloodshot eyes are a classic sign of cannabis use.
  • Nausea. If your teen is frequently feeling queasy, it could be more than just a stomach bug.
  • Severe anxiety. Increased anxiety or paranoia might suggest they’re using marijuana to cope.
  • Dizziness. Feeling lightheaded or dizzy can be linked to cannabis consumption.
  • Personality changes. A noticeable shift in behavior or mood could indicate they’re hiding something.
  • Changes in friend group. If your teen suddenly starts hanging out with a new crowd, it might be worth investigating.
  • Missing money. Keep an eye out for cash disappearing from your home that they might be spending on substances.
  • Drug paraphernalia. Finding items like rolling papers, pipes, vapes, carts, or other paraphernalia in their room or laundry is a direct warning sign.

Open communication is key. If you suspect something, it’s important to approach the conversation with care and understanding. Your concern can make all the difference!

Have the conversation 

As adolescents experiment with alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana it’s important for parents to jump into conversations about these topics early and continue them throughout the teenage years. Even if you don’t think your child is using cannabis or other substances, keeping the dialogue open about drug and alcohol use is essential.

Share your values and express your genuine concern for their health and safety. Look for everyday moments, whether it’s during a car ride or while watching a show, to bring up these discussions. Let your teen know that you are there for them whenever they need support and that they can always talk to you without fear of judgment.

Building this trust can make a significant difference in their choices!

Get help at the first sign of trouble 

It’s easy to underestimate the impact of drug and alcohol use, especially when it comes to substances like marijuana. However, recognizing the seriousness of these issues is important for your child’s future.

If you’re worried, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Talk to a school guidance counselor or get in touch with Rosecrance for valuable resources in prevention, education, and intervention. There’s hope and support waiting for teens facing challenges with cannabis use—and for their parents too!

We provide both inpatient and outpatient treatment services tailored for teens, along with ongoing support designed specifically for you as a parent.

Get Help Now (866) 330-8729