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How can I regain a healthy sense of self in the new year?

Community is another foundational element to health and wellbeing.

If you or your loved ones feel out-of-sorts, you’re not alone. The cumulative stress of unpredictable times can cause a loss of identity. Stress changes people. Each day, as well as a new year, are opportunities to reset and regain a healthy sense of self.

“Many of us are feeling a general malaise from having life expectations that were disrupted almost overnight,” said Rosecrance Jackson Centers Vice President of Clinical Services Brenda Iliff, M.A., LADC, CAC, CMAT. “After all we have been through, it is perfectly normal that someone might question who they are or their life’s direction when things have shifted in a way they may find difficult.”

Iliff noted that countless roles have changed, perhaps permanently, through shifting of jobs, added caregiving responsibilities, as well as the loss of loved ones. In addition, individuals on the front lines, such as healthcare workers, educators, farmers, and service industry staff, are acutely feeling stress.

For those seeking clarity, the good news is that the methods to regain mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health remain the same. A proper diet, hydration, rest, healthy movement, and routine can help restore a sense of balance and control that humans need to flourish. Regular time for reflection, mindfulness, or spirituality practices also can help manage expectations and give the mind a needed break.

Community is another foundational element to health and wellbeing. This can be a couple trustworthy friends, or it can be someone with professional expertise. Counselors, mentors, spiritual advisors, and mental health therapists provide care and wisdom to help sort through life’s questions.

“Nobody can wave a magic wand to help us through unsettling times, but we can make it by paying attention to the basics that have always worked,” Iliff said. “Adjusting our expectations to meet the situations, finding a supportive network, and paying attention to our basic physical needs will go a long way to help us truly thrive.”

Rosecrance offers a full continuum of outpatient and residential care for behavioral health needs. The new Rosecrance Therapies line provides personalized outpatient care that can be accessed from anywhere. In addition, individuals looking for supportive relationships can connect with the Alumni program.

Please call us at 888.928.5278 if you or a loved one need support.

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