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Hallucinations or delusions?

Hallucinations are false sensory experiences that seem real while delusions are fixed, false beliefs a person has even though they are untrue. They can be associated with mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder with psychosis, and some anxiety disorders.

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How hallucinations or delusions might show up

Hallucinations and delusions can be dangerous, especially if they lead someone to harm themselves or others. If you are concerned that you or someone you know is experiencing hallucinations or delusions, it is important to seek help.

Common types of hallucinations and delusions include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Hearing voices
  • Seeing people who aren’t there
  • Smelling burning food when nothing is cooking


  • Thinking you are being poisoned
  • Paranoia that you are being controlled by the government or followed by the FBI
  • Believing you have superpowers or are someone famous

Need immediate help?

If you or someone you know is in danger of hurting themselves or someone else — or if there’s any type of health emergency — please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department.

In addition to the mental health conditions referenced above, hallucinations and delusions can also be caused by substance use or withdrawal from using substances, sleep deprivation, medication conditions such as brain tumors or dementia, high fever or dehydration, and certain medications.


Treatment for hallucinations and delusions will depend on the underlying cause. In many cases, treatment may include medication, and therapy can also help people better understand triggers of hallucinations or delusions and getting through them when they happen.

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Frequently asked questions about hallucinations or delusions

  • Hallucinations and delusions can be dangerous, especially if they lead someone to harm themselves or others. If you are concerned that you or someone you know is having hallucinations or delusions, it is important to seek professional help.

  • There is no way to completely prevent hallucinations and delusions. However, there are things that can be done to reduce the risk, such as getting enough sleep, avoiding substance use, and managing stress.

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