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Attention deficit disorder?

Attention deficit disorder, known as ADHD, is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects attention, behavior, and impulse control.

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How ADHD might show up

ADHD can impact daily life for people of all ages and while it is diagnosed most often during childhood, it can be diagnosed at any age. Everyday tasks such as finishing school and work assignments and time management may be more challenging. Individuals with ADHD often struggle with listening and socialization, which causes challenges in relationships with friends and family, as well as low self-esteem because of these difficulties.

Signs and symptoms of ADHD typically fall into three main categories:

  • Inattention. Difficulty focusing, being easily distracted, forgetting important details, losing things, and trouble following instructions or completing tasks.
  • Hyperactivity. Restlessness (such as sitting still), squirming, fidgeting, talking a lot or talking too much, and interrupting.
  • Impulsivity. Acting without thinking, difficulty taking turns, and making mistakes.

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If you or someone you know is in danger of hurting themselves or someone else — or if there’s any type of health emergency — please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department.

Diagnosing ADHD involves a comprehensive evaluation by Rosecrance behavioral health professionals. Treatment often combines medication with individual therapy to manage symptoms, develop coping skills, and improve overall function. Rosecrance also provides education and support to families navigating an ADHD diagnoses to help support their loved ones.

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Frequently Asked Questions about ADHD

  • Attention-deficit disorder (ADD) is an older term for what we now call ADHD. We used to categorize them differently based on signs and symptoms. Now, ADHD encompasses all presentations.

  • Absolutely. ADHD is a lifelong condition, and symptoms often present differently in adults (such as challenges at work or home and with relationships, which worsen with the growing demands of adulthood). If experiencing these signs and symptoms, adults should feel empowered and encouraged to seek help by reaching out to us to be screened for ADHD.

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