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Building a better life through long-term recovery

Rosecrance promotes long-term recovery by equipping clients with valuable coping skills in treatment.

Much emphasis is placed on helping individuals begin the recovery journey and overcome obstacles in the early days, but what’s the secret for those who have achieved years or decades in sobriety?

Rosecrance staff on the recovery journey identified three elements that helped them stay the course to be part of the 75 percent of individuals who achieve long-term recovery, and 22 million American adults living in recovery. They attributed a change in perspective, connections to professional counselors on an as-needed basis, and deep connections to the local recovery community.

“The challenges are different now than back when I was just trying to make sense of this life change,” said Rosecrance Community Relations Coordinator Tom Farley. “But, over time, I’ve gotten comfortable being me and recognized how to make the most of each day. It’s so rewarding to have truly meaningful connections and experiences that I missed out on before.”

Rosecrance promotes long-term recovery by equipping clients with valuable coping skills in treatment and by surrounding them with a supportive network. Once individuals leave residential treatment, they are connected with the active Alumni program and outpatient counseling.

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