Rosecrance Helps Families with Teens in Recovery

Teens face many challenges in today’s world, and some of these can lead to substance abuse. Families need a full understanding of these challenges in order to help their teens deal with the tests life can offer.

At Rosecrance, we provide a range of family support services to help your family take an active role in your teen’s recovery. These services include counseling, support, education, and information. With our help, your entire family can learn about the disease of addiction and discover ways they can work together to help your teen achieve lasting recovery.

Families get support at Rosecrance for Recovery

Families need to know that they are not alone as teens recover from the disease of addiction. Our staff can arrange to have your family talk with other families who are going through similar experiences. You can learn what has worked for others and develop a strategy that makes sense for you. Family support groups are held one hour before visiting times.

Arranging family visits

Family members can take part in regular visiting hours throughout the week. Visits are scheduled by treatment group.

Weekly family sessions

Teenage clients and their family members come together weekly with their counselor to talk about goals and to learn more about navigating behavioral health challenges, including education around mental health and substance use. These sessions are scheduled individually for each patient.

Family relapse prevention plan

Each family needs to plan ways to keep their teen from experiencing a relapse. During family sessions, your Rosecrance counselor will work with you to develop a plan that will take you from the start of addiction treatment through discharge. This prevention plan will help your family support and maintain lasting recovery — for both the client and the family.

Treatment discharge planning

Planning for discharge is very important. This service helps patients and families connect to social, educational and recovery services in the community.

Frequently asked questions about family involvement in Recovery

Q: Are family support services mandatory?
A: We strongly recommend that families take part in our recovery support services at Rosecrance. Studies clearly show that the more the family is involved in treatment, the better the outcome for the teen — and the family. [Source: SAMHSA, “Families Coping with Mental and Substance Use Disorders“]

Q: Is there a fee for any family services?
A: No, there is no additional cost for any family services.

Q: How do I prevent my loved one from relapsing?
A: Rosecrance offers many services to help guide you as you support your loved one’s recovery. Talk with your teen’s counselors to learn more.