Drug & alcohol addiction treatment and mental health services for Chicago and in locations near Chicago

Rosecrance offers a full continuum of substance addiction rehabilitation services, including substance use prevention and addiction treatment, under the guidance of our caring staff of licensed treatment professionals. Our programs in the Chicagoland area provide evidence-based addiction rehab for substance use and mental health disorders in environments that foster lasting recovery.

Addiction treatment services offered in the Chicago and surrounding suburbs include:

  • Confidential drug use, alcohol use, substance use evaluations (for you, individuals, families, friends of those in addiction)
  • Prevention and early addiction intervention services in the Frankfort, La Grange, Chicago‘s Lakeview neighborhood, Naperville/Warrenville and Northbrook Illinois addiction rehab locations
  • Chicago Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Treatment Programs (IOP) in the Frankfort, La Grange and Northbrook treatment locations
  • Chicago Adult Intensive Outpatient Treatment Centers Programs (IOP) for addiction and alcoholism in our Chicago Lakeview addiction rehab treatment center, Frankfort, La Grange, and Northbrook, Illinois facilities
  • Chicago Adult Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) at our Lakeview location
  • Chicago addiction recovery, alcoholism treatment, substance use disorder & sober living/sobriety home for younger adults, students and adults at Lakeview Chicago
  • Assistance to families who need help finding further addiction rehabilitation resources
  • Presentations, training, and online recovery resources for professionals, community organizations, parents and students
  • Drug screenings

Residential Drug Addiction Recovery Treatment and Mental Health Treatment Services

We also offer access to residential drug abuse treatment, mental health programs, and rehab treatment for co-occurring disorders just a short 90 minutes away from Chicago, in Rockford, IL. Our Griffin Williamson Campus offers residential rehabilitation treatment for teens, and our Harrison Campus offers residential addiction treatment for adults.

Addiction treatment recovery centers across Chicago

Chicago inpatient recovery & Chicago outpatient recovery treatment locations

Rosecrance River North in Illinois

Rosecrance River North (Chicago, IL)
Substance use disorder IOP rehabilitation, alcohol addiction & mental health treatment in the city of Chicago, near the Loop.

Rosecrance Chicago-Norwood Park

Rosecrance Chicago-Norwood Park
Substance use treatment for adults & mental health treatment for children, teens, young adults, and adults, near O’Hare Airport.

Rosecrance lakeview building

Chicago Recovery: Rosecrance Lakeview
Alcohol, drug, substance use disorder & addictions rehab center in Chicago. Drug abuse treatment for young adults and adults seeking recovery in the Chicago Metro Area. Near Lake Michigan & Wrigley Field, this Chicago recovery center offers alcoholism treatment, residential rehabilitation, IOP, PHP, and licensed sober living for adults.

Rosecrance Frankfort building

Frankfort, IL
Substance use disorder IOP rehabilitation, alcohol addiction & mental health treatment in Will County, Illinois, just south of the Chicago metropolitan area.

Rosecrance Warrenville office

Naperville/Warrenville, IL
Substance abuse rehabilitation, alcohol abuse & mental health treatment along the DuPage River near Chicago, for teens, young adults, and adults.

Rosecrance Northbrook building

Northbrook, IL
Drug addiction rehabilitation IOP, outpatient alcohol abuse & mental health treatment center in Northbrook, a suburb of Chicago, serving teens, younger adults or millennials, and adults.

Rosecrance building La Grange

La Grange, IL
A drug abuse IOP rehabilitation & mental health treatment center, for teens, young adults and adults, in La Grange, IL, just southwest of the Chicago metro area.

Giving you a road map for lifelong recovery

A life in recovery is a journey full of gifts and opportunities, leading toward peace and contentment. At Rosecrance, we take a pragmatic, practical view of recovery. Addiction recovery is centered not around drugs or alcohol but on the healthy behaviors that replace them. For mental health disorders, we focus on building skills and confidence to help clients regain a sense of control. We understand that recovery doesn’t happen at a single moment in time; it’s a lifelong journey. Every aspect of treatment helps our clients and their families develop the tools they’ll use throughout the rest of their lives.

We feel it’s an absolute privilege to help you begin the first steps of your journey, offering tools to help you navigate the early transition into this rewarding life. 12-Step programming is foundational to our treatment services, giving you something to take with you after treatment for the best chance at recovery. Rosecrance is a private, not-for-profit organization with nearly four decades of experience helping people overcome addiction and mental health challenges by accelerating progress and creating a road map to success. Each year, we help more than 30,000 individuals and families toward their goal of recovery. The potential gifts provided in recovery are limitless, and at Rosecrance we can help you on your way.

Offering ongoing support throughout your recovery

Throughout your journey, you’ll experience our continuum of care – from residential to outpatient to transitional services and ongoing support in life after treatment with our network of dedicated alumni. At Rosecrance, we individualize both the treatment and the recovery plan – because no two pathways are the same.

Following a treatment program, our support network offers resources such as continuing outpatient treatment, recovery homes, and alumni communities. Our alumni program welcomes anyone who has completed treatment and includes activities, quarterly workshops, support groups, and community events. Anyone in recovery has access to 12-Step meetings and online resources. And if you’re concerned about your sobriety, we can provide support when you need it most.

Click here to learn more about the Rosecrance Alumni Program.

Supporting young adults in recovery with our Launch to Life® program

The Launch to Life program combines carefully designed, proven strategies and programming to help our clients transition successfully from adolescents to adulthood.

Often, young adults with a history of substance use have struggled with independence, which is why our program offers structured recovery living and 24/7 on-site support. For many of these men and women, addiction has derailed plans for college or work and delayed development of the life skills necessary for independent living. Launch to Life is specifically tailored to give young adults a clean slate and the tools necessary to live life well in recovery. We help clients realize their life’s purpose, learn the skills they need to live a successful life, and help them enjoy lifelong recovery.

The Launch to Life program is available at our Rosecrance Lakeview location. The beautiful, contemporary building in this vibrant neighborhood of Chicago includes six large, three-bedroom apartments, a counseling center and a rooftop patio. Most recovery services, therapy appointments, and job or career coaching sessions occur on-site and throughout Chicago.

Unique support for recovery

Decades of experience in addiction and mental health treatment tell us that long-term recovery is fostered by several key elements:

  • Personal assessment
  • Individualized recovery plan
  • Quality, evidence-based programs
  • Supportive living environment
  • Personal accountability
  • Guidance in goal setting
  • Engagement in a strong recovery community
Rosecrance recovery teens chatting

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